Wednesday 5 October 2016

Meet The Trainees - Sean O'Briain

Hi my name is Seán, I am 16 years old and I am from Dublin.
I have been riding horses for the past 8 or 9 years.  It was always my ambition to become a Jockey and just over 4 years ago I rang up a local Trainer named Adrian McGuinness and he gave me a summer job.  I was in Adrian’s for 3 years and I left when I came to RACE as I didn’t think I would have the time, but I did.  So instead of going back to the same yard I thought I would go to a different yard and that yard was John McConnell’s. I was there for a few months and I enjoyed every minute of it.
 I was sent out to John Oxx’s yard on work experience with RACE and I have learned so much in my time there and I have met some very nice people and learned a lot from them. 
I am riding out in Noel Meade’s at the moment on the weekends and I will be starting there full time when I’ve finished in RACE and I will be hoping to take out a Conditional License with him.
Sean (nearside) heading out on Maddenstown Gallops for Training

Meet The Trainees - Connor Casey

My name is Connor Casey I’m 16 years old. I am from Nurney, Co Kildare.

I came here (to RACE) because I wanted to become a Jockey. I love horses and hate school and I have always wanted to be a Jockey. I like to ride horses and to school them.
I grew up with my Uncle’s horses and I worked on his yard. I started riding when I was 10 years old and I did a lot of hunting. Since then I’ve been working on my Uncle’s yard and I still ride out his hunters at the weekend. My cousin is a Jockey in England and a lot of my family are involved in the racing industry.

My first week in D.K. Weld’s yard was difficult but I found my way and got experience. I got to ride horses by some of the top sires from all over the world.
Since I’ve come here I’ve made lots of friends and since being in RACE I’ve met lots of people who are part of the Racing Industry and I’m hoping that they will help me further my career as a Jockey. I would love to become a Professional Jockey in Ireland but would be willing to travel anywhere in the world.
Conor schooling on RACE Gallops

Meet The Trainees - Tia McLoughlin

My name is Tia Mcloughlin and I’m 17 years old. I’m from Dublin but I moved to Ashbourne, Co. Meath when I was 5 but I would never say that I am from Meath.  I’ve always been interested in horses since I was young. I started in a riding school when I was 8 and I’ve been there ever since. Even though I’m in R.A.C.E my horse is stabled there and I work there every Sunday.

I heard of the Racing Academy when I was in the riding school from a past pupil.  I was thinking to myself that sounds really difficult but I’d love to give it a go and see a different style of working with horses because it is nothing compared to working with ponies in a riding school. I did my Junior Cert then I skipped ‘TY’ (Transition Year) and went straight into 5th year. I stayed in school up until the last couple of weeks were I really just didn’t want to be there. So I went to the guidance councilor and she advised me to stay in school but then I brought up the idea of R.A.C.E and she thought that was a brilliant idea and helped me a lot. So I sent off my application and I received a letter a few weeks later that I had been accepted for a week long trial.

I was delighted that I was accepted for the trial and also a bit nervous but excited at the same time. I couldn’t wait to get down to the barn and get riding, but I was so wrong. On the trial we only got to ride once and it was not even for 10 minutes. The rest of the week down the barn involved painting fences, pulling weeds, cleaning the railings on the gallops which wasn’t too bad as it was in the middle of summer. We also did a lot of fitness through the week every night.

The trial week and all the hard work paid off. I am now out on work experience in Dermot Weld’s yard and I couldn’t be happier.  I hope to stay on as a senior and stay working for Dermot Weld to gain more experience and to go travelling. I’ve met some great people and learned a lot I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Tia (front left) heading out for training on Maddenstown Gallops

Meet The Trainees - Mairead Fortune

I am from Ferns, County Wexford and am 17 years old.  Before RACE, I mainly did showjumping and worked the summer before RACE in John Joseph Murphy’s in Cork to get some experience. 

I started horse riding in about 2005 just doing pony club and lessons.  After a few years I got a pony and went on from there. I always remember from a young age watching racing on TV, mainly the big ones like the Grand National and I grew to idolise Ruby Walsh.  I knew I wanted to be a Jockey from about the age of 14 but never really did anything about it until I was 16 when I applied for the course in RACE and got accepted after a long and hard trial week.  So I was in RACE for the weekdays and started in Paul Nolan’s on the weekends. I learned so much in RACE that I didn’t know before hand and only really got the hang of riding a racehorse here.  I also learned a tonne in Paul Nolan’s. 

After the Christmas holidays I was sent out to my yard, for work placement, which was Alan Fleming’s yard. I was so lucky as it is such an amazing yard. Everyone has thought me loads out there and they are so helpful.  It took me a while to get a hang of the horses out there but I eventually did. I will definitely miss the yard! 

I have decided to go back and do my leaving cert as I think it is the best option as I am going down the National Hunt route. I will hopefully get my Amateur License out this year and keep riding out at the weekends. 
Mairead (left) on the long straight on Maddenstown Gallops

Meet The Trainees - Leona Kelly

My name is Leona Kelly, I’m 17 and from Cork. I grew up on a farm in the outskirts of Mallow Town. I don’t come from a racing background but I always loved watching the racing on the TV and going to the local point to point meetings. I always had a few horses at home for jumping and hunting. I rode a few point to point horses for Paul O’ Flynn and that’s where I got my love for racing from. I started working for Paul when I was 15 and gained plenty of experience from him. It was there I met Amanda McCarty and she told me I should go try out for RACE.

I got sent out to Tracey Collins yard through RACE in January.  I learned the ‘ins’ and ‘outs’ of flat racing while working in Tracey’s yard.  My first day in the yard, I was thrown in the deep end and put up on a yearling. Naturally I was very nervous but Tracey was always there to get me through it. I’m very thankful to Tracey for taking me on and pushing me through my highs and lows. I got a fall of a yearling, dislocated my collar bone and was off for some time and my riding went down hill for a bit. 

When I was back Tracey was there pushing me on. I rode my first piece of work with Chris Hayes up the grass gallops over in Maddenstown on a Dream Ahead filly and  I have been working the horses ever since. I got to lead up two horses for Tracey at Cork Racecourse with the head girl Hazel. 
My aim now is to ride out back home for the summer and go back to school and get my Leaving Cert. 
My dad has always been very supportive of my choice to leave school and follow my dreams. He has dragged me half way around the country a million and one times to please me. I’ll be forever thankful for it .In the future I hope to take out a flat license for a season and then go jumping. 
Leona (center) going up the long straight on Maddenstown gallops

Tuesday 23 August 2016

Meet The Trainees - Erica Byrne Burke

Hi my name is Erica Byrne Burke. I am 17 years old and I’m from Ratoath Co. Meath. Since I was small I always had a love for horses I started riding in Broadmeadows Equestrian Centre in Ashbourne and I did some showjumping.  Since day one of riding horses I always had a dream of becoming a Jockey and wanted to get into racing but I just didn’t know how as I didn’t really have a horsey background. I knew it was going to happen someday I just didn’t know how or when.  I always watched racing on the TV and went to Fairyhouse whenever there was a race meeting.  

The first racing yard I was in was Dermot Mcloughlins up at home, I ended up there as I got work experience with him for 2 weeks with school and I got a weekend job out of it. I didn’t have experience with racehorses so I mostly rode out the hunter and rode one or two quiet racehorses.  In the racing yard I gained a lot of experience and I wouldn’t be in RACE now if it wasn’t for the lads in the yard, I found out about RACE form one of the lads that came through RACE a few years ago, Conor Maxwell. I went to the open day and I knew that I wanted to come here. I felt like it was a great opportunity to get involved in racing.

The trial week was one of the toughest weeks of my life but I knew I had to get onto this course, so I gave it everything I could and I got accepted for the course. I’ve learned so much from being on this course and I am delighted to have got the opportunity to be here.  I got sent out to Dermot Welds from RACE and I hope to stay there and stay on as a senior in RACE.  I have gained so much experience and have really enjoyed every minute of it. I hope to take out my license next year and hopefully my dream will come true in a few years and I get to ride up along sides with the likes of Bryan Cooper, Nina Carberry, Johnny Burke and Ruby Walsh.

My Mam use to have to drag me out of  bed every  morning to go to school and now I jump out of the bed every morning at 6 o clock to get up to do what I love the most. 
Erica on Maddenstown Gallops

Meet The Trainees - Aodhan Gallen

My name is Aodhan Gallen, I am 17 years old since December. I grew up in Donegal and now live in Tyrone.  My family have no experience with horses whatsoever, it was just my competitive mind that got me into racing. I just love winning! 

At a young age I played all sorts of sports weather it was Football, Gaelic, Boxing, Swimming you name it I am sure I have done it at one point in my life. As I said my family does not really have a sporting background or a racing background as a matter of fact so to be honest I just think its luck that I eventually tried a sport I really loved rather than doing it as a hobby. 

I was around 10 when I went to my first riding lesson in Tullywhisker Riding School but I had only been there for around 3 months before I moved to Ash Lee Riding School because it was a lot closer to home.  I spent just over a year at Ash Lee Riding School before I moved to local flapping Trainer, Jerry Collins at the age of 15. This was my first time ever sitting on a racehorse and I still don’t know if I was terrified or if I absolutely loved it on my first day there. I now ride in Flapping / Pony Races for Jerry, every weekend when I’m home, he’s a great man and I cannot thank him enough. When I was riding out for Jerry it was then I found out about RACE and he suggested it would be a great place for me because I knew absolutely nothing about racing.

Since I’ve starting in RACE in September, I have learned a huge amount about the Racing Industry and I have improved my riding along the way. From RACE I was sent out to Paul Deegan’s yard, where I have learned a lot especially riding work. I ride work every Wednesday and Friday with previous RACE Graduates who have turned professional such as Conor Hoban and Chris Hayes. They are more than good to me and I know I can ask them any question no matter how silly it may sound. I also cannot thank Paul Deegan enough for the opportunities he has given me within the yard and letting me ride some top class horses. 

Above all there are 2 people I would like to thank and that is my Mum and Dad. They have supported me so much along the way and I know they always will. In the future I know I will out a license and ride winners. How many? Only time will tell.

Aodhan training on the Curragh

Meet The Trainees - Jack Ruddy

My name is Jack Ruddy; I am 17 years old since May. I have grown up in County Meath. I don’t come from a racing background but I got my interest in racing from my granddad. At the weekends, after finishing up the work on the farm, we would go in the house and watch channel 4 racing. When I was ten I got my first pony bobby. I learned how to ride him and did loads of pony lessons. Two years later I got another horse Harry and that’s when I started to compete at showjumping and hunter trials. Harry is a great horse and thankfully I won a few competitions on him. 

When I was younger I did a lot of GAA but at the age of fourteen I lost interest in it and that’s when I got the interest of wanting to become the next A.P. McCoy.
At the age of fifteen I started riding out in Tony Martin’s yard as it is only down the road from me. In Tony’s I learned a lot from the lads riding out such as Paddy McGuigan, Mikey O’ Connor, Alicia Kelly and the Jockeys Donagh Meyler and Shane Shorthall and the main man himself Tony. I learned things like my position and holding the horse on the gallops. 
 I am still working in Tony’s weekends and holidays. I am thankful to Tony for giving me chances from schooling and getting to ride work with the jockeys.
Ever since I started in RACE back in September there was still plenty of room for improvement and thankfully I learned a lot from all the instructors in RACE and a big thanks to Barry Walsh for the amount of stern words he gave me, it helped me in the end.

In November I was sent out to Sandra Hughes on work placement, where I have made really good friends like Nathan Masterson and Shauna Keatley. The early mornings were tough in the dead of winter but as the mornings get brighter and brighter I’m finding them a lot easier.

When I finish here in RACE  I hope to work in Tony’s before I go back to school in September and I hope to get my Amateur License in the future along with plenty of winners to go with it and hope to go professional in the end.

Jack after training on Maddenstown  Gallops

Wednesday 17 August 2016

Meet The Trainees - Killian Gallagher

My name is Killian, I am 17 years old. I’m from Strabane in CoTyrone. Horses have always been part of my life and I’ve always wanted to be a Jockey, as I was hoping to follow in the footsteps of my uncle Pat Gallagher who had been a Jockey and has pursued a training career in America.
I finished school and one of my friends had been telling me that he was going to RACE so I started to research more about the course. When I left school I had the choice to go straight to a Trainer or go to RACE. So I decided to go to the trial and I got accepted.

I knew a lot about racehorses and race riding before I came here from pony racing but there was also a lot I didn’t know. Since I have came to RACE It has helped me improve my riding dramatically as I have a better position on a horse and I am a lot stronger now than I was before.
I am hoping to stay on as a senior in RACE as I am in a really good position in Tracey Collins yard and I am hoping to sign on as her Apprentice after the course.

Killian (far side) out on Maddenstown Gallops

Meet The Trainees - Jordan Cummins

My name is Jordan Cummins, I am 17 years old and I’m from Ballyfermot in Dublin. My family owned horses so I’ve always been around them and had an interest in them. I left school after my Junior Cert and I took a course in the Cherry Orchard Equine Centre and did some showjumping. I completed my leaving cert and a Level 4 in Stable Yard Routine. The Instructors Emma and Ciara recommended that I go to the Open Day in RACE. I decided to apply and was accepted for the week trial.
The trial was tough and I realised that it was important to be well mannered, hardworking and determined to be successful in the Racing Industry. I learned how to ride from showjumping to being a Trainee Jockey. I worked in the barn in RACE until January and then I was sent to Micheal Grassick (JR). While there I learned a lot including riding work and got the experience and the opportunity to learn and develop my riding skills and take care of horses, which I am very grateful for. I found being away from home and the early mornings difficult at times but it has to be done to become successful.
My plan is to get my Apprentice License and become a successful jockey.
I would definitely recommend the course to anyone that has an interest in horses. I have learnt a lot over the last 10 months and it’s a great experience especially at a young age. I’ve met some nice people and some great friends

Family day 2015

Thursday 11 August 2016

Meet the trainees - Kiera Cogan

My name is Kiera Colgan, I turned 18 in October. I am from Malton in England. Ever since I was born I have been involved in horses even if it was going to the yard with my mother in a push chair whilst she looked after her horse. My father came to RACE and worked in racing for years and had his Apprentice License with Kevin Prendergast as well as riding for James Byrne. I was very active in school and played lots of Hockey and Netball but I also had my own ponies at home from a young age.  I was in pony club, riding club and was a member of British Showjumping and British Eventing. I also had my own pony racer which I won 4 races on but with Dads competitiveness the novelty wore off and I wasn’t really interested in riding her after that.

I finished school in 2014 and then started college after a year it wasn’t for me and all I wanted to do was ride and work with horses. So Dad suggested RACE, we attended an open day and then I was accepted for the trial. It was then a waiting game to see whether I was accepted or not. I got the letter to see that RACE had accepted me. I didn’t know what to make of leaving home and moving away, but I am now glad I have done it as I have learnt heaps and improved my riding.

I started RACE in September intending to improve my riding and with the riding Instructors here at RACE it helped me to improve. Ten weeks into the course I was then sent out to Michael Halfords Yard on work placement, where I am now well settled. This also helped to improve my riding, riding different horses and yearlings. I love going to work so the early mornings don’t bother me. The staff there are a great bunch of people and there is always a bit of ‘craic’ in the yard as well as some lovely horses.

Kiera was placed with Michael Halford in November 2015

Kiera schooling at RACE

Friday 5 August 2016

Meet The Trainees - Kirsty Bourke

My name is Kirsty Bourke I’m 17 years old and from Kildare Town. I was always interested in horse racing as both my Parents worked in racing so my passion started from there. Growing up in Newmarket the capital of horse racing in England helped me a lot as I started riding out when I was 13. Previous to that I had ridden ponies in small events. 

I never really was interested in show jumping as a child I would rather stay at home and watch the racing or go racing with my Dad. When I moved back to Ireland in 2015 there was nothing else I wanted to do than to go to RACE. So when the applications came out I’m sure I was the first one to have applied. When I found out I had been accepted on to the course after a successful trial week, I was delighted and could not wait to start.

While being in RACE, there have been many ups and downs. The downs being missing out on 3 months of riding due to a fractured ankle. All I wanted to do was get back riding and every day I was off felt like a year to me. In the photo is a picture of Curling Bird and even though he’s probably one of the easier horses to ride, I’ll never forget the day he dropped me twice within the space of 2 minutes and I still got back up on him and rode upsides on the gallop with one of our instructors. I felt so stupid yet proud at the same time. The fact that he is such an easy ride taught me a lesson that you have to watch the quiet ones.  

I’ve learned a lot of things that I didn’t know, since being in RACE. I plan to be a Racing Secretary in the future but for the next few years I plan to use all the skills that I have learnt in RACE to carry on riding out in Ireland.

Kirsty was placed with Michael Grassick 

Family Day November 2015

Thursday 28 July 2016

Meet The Trainees - Ben Love

My name is Ben and I am 16 years old and from Meath.  I want to be Jockey, is basically what this is going to be about.

I started riding back when I was small in a riding school and I bought my first pony, Misty, a few years ago. I just couldn’t get enough of it from there and didn’t get a taste for the racehorses until a couple of years ago. When I first sat on a racehorse I was hooked from there.  It’s my passion and really all that I can do.  The skill and the speed in horses is like a drug, I can’t get enough of it.  

When I heard about RACE I immediately, before even telling my parents about it, started preparing my application for it.  When we arrived on the Open Day I remember my Mum telling me that somebody must have heard about me and built an academy to suit what I need.  
When I arrived on the first day the first thing that struck me was that this was the first step that I needed to take to become a Jockey.  Most of what I’ve learnt is what it really takes to become a Jockey. People just don’t realise what kind of mental and physical strength goes into the sport.  I’ve also made a lot of valuable connections in the racing world, and met a lot of great people that have helped me along the way.  

I’m really looking forward to graduating and getting out there to try and make it by myself and hopefully becoming a top class Jockey.

Ben was placed with Conor O’Dwyer in November 2015

Ben schooling on the Curragh Training Grounds

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Meet The Trainees - Tommy Mahon

Hello my name is Tommy Mahon I am 17 years old and I am from Co. Carlow. I always loved animals from a very young age. My father is a farmer and all my uncles have a farming background, Cattle, sheep, dogs and cats where all in the family but then came along a horse. I got into horses from that day. I decided to go to a riding school 15 minutes away from me where I used to fall off more times than stay on. In 5th and 6th class in school, I used to tell my friends how I was going to be the next Ruby Walsh. A few years on I got more into horse RACING! as dad worked in Jessica Harrington’s. I asked him could I go there, he said I don’t want you to be in St. Lukes hospital in Kilkenny with 2 broken legs, ah sure I had to laugh!

When I turned 14 I went down to Jim Bolger’s for a summer, it was the best decision of my life. I was put up on the lead horse a few times but other than that I was riding nothing. I was painting railings and picking weeds from 6am until 12am, what a day that would be. My experience grew and grew over that summer and I will never forget it. I then told my parents I wanted to leave school after junior cert and wanted to go to RACE. I used to run every night to keep my weight down as I am just about 6ft it was always going to be hardship to get to 9st I could lose 1lb after a 10km run and that’s not just with 1 layer on me! I got notice of the week trial and I couldn’t believe it, I was the fittest on the bleep test out of the whole trial. When a letter came into my house about being accepted for the course I couldn’t believe it.

 I am now fitter and stronger than ever before. Going from not being able to ride a racehorse 2/3 years ago to riding work and schooling over fences each morning is a massive achievement. I enjoy working in Christy Roche’s as my work placement. At the weekends, since the course started, I began riding out in Pat Fahy’s back home to keep myself occupied. Getting up at 6 each morning is getting easier as I know I am getting up to do something I love.

It’s been an experience of a lifetime and my future career in the industry should be helped with the likes of Niall Byrne and Barry Walsh and everyone else who helped me along the way. I hope to become Champion Amateur in the near future and ride as many winners as I can.

Good luck, safe home and I’ll talk to you guys later!!!

Tommy schooling on RACE Gallops

Wednesday 6 July 2016

Meet The Trainees - Mikey Melia

I am 16 years of age and I am from Monasterevin County Kildare. My family were always into horses so I took an interest and when I was about 8 or 9 I started getting lessons in a place called Dunbyrne Stud. I was riding there for a year or two when I got a big fright and wanted to give up horse riding all together.
My Ma brought me to another place where my cousins were riding and I started there. From there I got all my confidence back and then I started hunting. I hunted a small pony for my first hunt and I loved it.

I always wanted my own pony so I got one after a long time of persuading. I had him and did a couple of hunts on him and then I started to outgrow him so I sold him on and got a new pony. She brought my confidence on so much and then I started hunting every Sunday. After a year I sold her and got a bigger horse. One year for Christmas I got my own exercise saddle because I thought it would be cool and I’d look like a jockey. I started riding in this and hunting in it and ever since I started riding in it I can’t ride in a hunting saddle because it feels weird.
I always wanted to be a jockey since I was young so I wanted to come to RACE the same as my brother. I came for the trial week. This was tough but was worth it because I was doing what I wanted to do, plus I was getting out of school which was a bonus.

We started the course in September and by November the first group were sent out. I was sent to Kevin Prendergast and I have learned so much by riding yearlings and riding lots of work which is great experience. The yard is great because everyone is a good laugh and you can have a bit of ‘craic’ and there are also some very nice horses stabled there.
I will be happy to graduate from RACE and have this behind me for my future for when I hope to take a licence out and ride on the track. It’s been a great experience. I’ve made some great friends and learnt a lot.

Mikey leads the string on Maddenstown  Gallops 

Friday 1 July 2016

Meet The Trainees - Jamie Cullen

My name is Jamie Cullen I am 19 years old I am from Ballyfermot Dublin. When I was 12 years of age there was an Equine Centre across the road from me, they had a youth club and my brothers and a few of our friends were in the youth club. They would bring us on trips to the beach, kayaking, walks up the mountains and we stayed in oak wood Wicklow for the weekend.
Once a week after school we would go and ride the horses, this was the first time that I had ever sat on a horse and I instantly loved it. I stayed in the club and rode the horses twice a week or more up until I was 16.

I left school because they had nothing for me there to do with horses or animals so it made me lose interest. I took a year off then I was asked by Paula from the youth group if I would be interested in doing the Cherry Orchard Equine Fas Course where I would be working with horses and getting my FETAC level 4. I completed my FETAC level 4 and from there I found out about RACE.
What I liked about coming to RACE was meeting new people and learning how to ride a race horse.

I am currently on work experience out in Tracey Collins yard I really like it out there learning about the horses and how important it is to work as a team. I hope to stay on as a senior in RACE and become a Jockey.
Jamie on RACE Gallops on the Family Day - November 2015

Monday 20 June 2016

Meet The Trainees - Jack Hogan

Hello my name is Jack Hogan. I’m 17 years old and from County Cavan.  I got interested in horses years ago when we bought a pony of a farmer down the road just to have out in the field.  Then I started getting lessons from around the age of seven and stuck at it.  We then got a pony we could ride and started pony club I did a bit of showjumping and cross-country but the pony spent more time going backwards then forwards but when he went he would go 90 and I suppose that’s where I got the feel for speed. 
A few years ago I started doing pony racing on that pony. We were not much good at the start but we got placed a good few times and I just loved it. I went on to do 3 more years of flapping, riding my own two thoroughbreds and a good few other horses and ponies for other people, which was a great introduction into racing.  

I first heard of RACE when all of the pony racing lads came up here for an open day. I got a great look into the academy and wanted to come here. When I was 12, the summer before I started secondary school I started working in a local racing yard for Shane Donohue. I used to just muck out and look after the horses for the first while because I would have been to weak to hold any of the horses. But once he got me riding, I would only ride 2 or 3 lots a day until I was fit enough to ride the harder horses, then I was riding 6 or 7 lots a day. It was Shane who got me into horseracing and he was great to me, it was here that I got the bug for racing.  Last summer before I started in RACE I went down to Tipperary to work for my cousin Denis Hogan, just to see what it was like to work in a bigger yard with more horses and get more experience. Before I started in RACE in September, the lads there really helped me as I always wanted to be able to ride as good as them and it helps to have someone to look up to as well.

The Racing Academy is a great course and I have benefitted greatly because of it. I’m not only a better rider since September but I’m fitter and stronger too. I was fortunate enough to be sent out to James Nash in the first group and it has been a great experience there.  Although the course drags on in the winter months it has been a great experience which will only help me in the future.  Thanks to Niall Byrne and Barry Walsh and everyone who helped me along the way.  For the future I hope to become Champion Jump Jockey and to ride as many winners as I can.
Jack schooling on the Curragh Training Grounds

Meet The Trainees - Emma Holden - Cahill

My name is Emma Cahill, I am 17 years old and I live in Castledermot Co.Kildare. I have always loved horses since a young age and began riding when I was 10 years old. None of my family members ride horses but my Mam got me interested in racing and watching races as she loves to watch it. 
I started off in a riding school called Pitfield Equestrian Centre, where I learned the basic skills of riding.  I rode there for 5 years before starting a summer Job with Jessica Harrington. I had never ridden a racehorse before until I went to Harrington’s.  I loved going to the yard! I got so much experience from there. Everyone in the yard helped and taught me about racing and racehorses.

What I enjoy about RACE are the people in it. It’s amazing how close you get to people who were complete strangers just a few months ago. I have met some great people and made some wonderful new friends. 
One of the highlights of RACE that I was really looking forward to doing since the start of the course was the Gaisce hike. For the hike we walked for 4 hours from Athy to Carlow and stayed overnight in Baltinglass. The next day we started our hike up the Wicklow Mountains at 9:00am and it took 3 ½hrs to complete. I really enjoyed it! It was great to get out and all spend time together and the weather was perfect for the event.

Emma (behind Supervisor, Paul Kelly( Sea the Stars cap) wearing white t-shirt) on the Gaisce Hike with her fellow trainees and (right) on Maddenstown Gallops with Instructor Paul Keating.

Emma was placed with Michael Halford in February 2016

Thursday 16 June 2016

Meet The Trainees - Stephen O'Hara

My name is Stephen O’ Hara I am 18 years of age and I am from Tallow Co. Waterford but the lads in RACE say that I am from Cork because I have a Cork accent!  I got into race horses about 4 years ago. My first job in a racing yard was for Jimmy Mangan and I learnt loads from working in his yard.  When I got better at riding horses and got fitter I then wanted to get more involved and really get going so I then started riding horses for other people and riding pieces of work to get more experience and improve in my riding skills.

Two years ago I decided to take it a step further so I traveled across to England and I worked for Tom George. I really enjoyed working for him and I learned loads and would love to go back to England some time in the future.  Then last summer I wanted to improve in my style of riding so I decided to go to a flat yard down in West Cork, where I was working for John Joseph Murphy for two months. I really enjoyed working for him and improved in my style of riding and would also love to work for him again.

One of my friends recommended coming to RACE to do a 10 month jockey course so I had a think about and did some research and asked around my local area if anyone had come to RACE in the past and one or two of them did and they also recommended RACE. They said it is a good experience and that I would learn loads and if I thought I was good enough I could go for my Jockey license after the course.

Since I came to RACE I met some really nice people and made some great friends for life and learnt a lot from Barry, Paul and Niall down in the racing barn. They were very good to all of us and thought us a lot about horses, horse care, riding horses, getting a horse ready for racing, transporting horses and loads more.

Ten weeks into the course the first group of trainees were selected to be sent out to trainer’s yards. I was sent out to Sandra Hughes yard the daughter of Dessie Hughes. Since I started working in the yard I felt very welcome by everyone and they were very good to me and taught me some things to tidy me up on a horse and gave me the chance to ride pieces of work and school horses and I do those every week.  RACE was a good decision because they teach you how to ride, present yourself to trainers and owners and how to act in a professional manner.
Stephen (far right) with Chief Instructor Barry Walsh, Trainees and Champion Jockey Davy Russell(center)

Monday 13 June 2016

Meet The Trainees - Cian Walsh

My name is Cian Walsh. I’m from Co. Kildare and I turned 16 in October 2015. I came to RACE because I wanted to be a Jockey. I started riding when I was five in an equestrian school, doing lessons with my brother and I just got more interested in horses. I did a lot of show jumping all over the country on ponies and then went onto horses, it was great fun! As I got older I got interested in horse racing and really liked it because there are such good horses to be seen racing on TV. Getting to see them in real life you think, it’s great! For example, seeing Sea the Stars on TV and then getting to see him at a racecourse is great.
To get into RACE I had to do a week trial which tested my fitness, how I get on with others and my riding abilities. It was a very hard week that nearly pushed me to the limit. I had to wait a few weeks to hear from RACE and when I did I was very happy to hear that I had gotten accepted into the academy and that I started at the beginning of September. It was hard at first being in a dorm with 4-5 people that you didn’t know but once we started doing activities it’s been very good ‘craic’ and I’ve made a good few friends out of the course.
I have really improved as a rider since the start of the course thanks to the instructors and I have really matured in the year. RACE are good in some ways because if you don’t put in the work you’re not going to get anywhere and if you want to put in the work you’ll succeed as a Jockey or anything else you put your mind to. I hope that I will get a good job working for a top trainer and hopefully be successful.
I commenced work placement at Dermot Weld’s yard in January and it has been a very good experience.
Cian warming up on Curling Bird for Stall Training in January 2016

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Meet The Trainees - Nicole Smyth

I am 18. I was always interested in horses for as far back as I can remember. When I finally annoyed my mum enough, she took me to some lessons. Ever since then, I have never been without a horse.
The change from riding show jumpers to thoroughbreds took me by surprise. If a show jumper was too strong I knew to give it a stronger bit but it is a different story with thoroughbreds. It didn’t take me long to learn that I’d have to suffer the strength of a thoroughbred.

A show jumping friend first introduced me to the idea of RACE. He had previously left school to complete the trainee course. The idea of me doing this excited me. My first impressions of the place were what I had anticipated. It is a great spot. I knew it was going to be tough from the very beginning. I was completely thrown into the deep end. We always are, but it’s good for us.

The fact that Johnny Murtagh himself came out of RACE really inspires me. RACE will always have a special place in Johnny’s heart. He regularly comes in to see us and speak to us and continues to inspire all of us. Each time he speaks to us he never fails to open our eyes to a new concept. Hopefully I will follow in his footsteps one day.

Family day 2015 on RACE Gallops

Training on the Curragh