Friday 15 June 2018

Meet the trainees - Dylan Johnston

Hi, my name is Dylan Johnston and I am 16 years old.  I’m from Dublin and have always loved horses since the first time I sat up on one when I was 6.  Before I came to RACE, I rode out for a few trainers such as; Gordon Elliot (jumps) and Ado McGuiness (flat and jump).  My interest in horse racing began when my grandad would always bring me racing 99% of Saturdays and quite a few Sundays too! I remember being racing at The Leopardstown Christmas Festival and seeing the jockeys walking into the parade ring and ever since then I’ve always wanted to be a jockey.
I first started riding out for Ado McGuiness, which was when I was first told about RACE. Unfortunately, I was way too young so, I had to put that plan on hold for a while! But, when I came of age, I attended one of the RACE Open Days in March 2017 and immediately knew I wanted to try to get a place on The Trainee Jockey Course 17/18.
I applied after the Open Day and got a letter to say that I had been accepted on the trial week. On the trial week we were all really put through our paces! I was delighted when I got my letter to say that I had been accepted onto the course.
I arrived in late August and got settled in straight away. In the first few weeks we visited The National Stud and Kildangan Stud as well as taking a trip to Gowran Park Racecourse. We started riding out straight away and were separated into our groups. I went to the National Ploughing Championships in September with RACE, it was great fun and everyone had a fantastic time.

In late November I got the news that I was going to be placed with Ken Condon in the first round of placements. Ken has a lovely yard with a lot of 2-year old’s, 3-year old’s and a handful of nice older horses. Ken and his wife Pauline are fantastic and from my very first day they were putting me up on anything and everything. Ken never stops trying to help me improve and I definitely won’t be taking it all for granted.  After Christmas another trainee, Tori, came out to our yard and things were stepped up a level. We head in for 6:10am every morning riding first lot at 7:00am.  With the flat season getting closer we had a lot of new 2-year old’s that are doing their first pieces of work done on the ‘Old Vic’ and Ken is great for giving me my chance and giving me tips! 
Having Shane Foley and Niall McCullough riding with you is another thing that just improves you so much.  It’s a priceless opportunity having two experienced jockeys with as many winners as they have!  It’s such an exciting thing seeing the 2-year old’s getting better and better by the day!

Throughout the year we’ve had some brilliant guest speakers in to talk to us.  In October we had a previous RACE graduate, Jody McGarvey in with us! Then in January we had last year’s Champion Apprentice in England, David Egan in to explain the importance of fitness in race riding. We also had the pleasure of a visit from Davy Russell who shared his experiences in the racing industry and last but not least, Ruby Walsh came in! He had great stories to tell and was brilliant to hear his stories and views on racing. All speakers in January took away the pain of the cold mornings and the rain! 
I’m have just finished my assessment week (at the time of writing this blog) back in RACE and it was very enjoyable. We did lots of schooling and riding upsides out Maddenstown Gallops! It was great to get back on the horses in the barn before we finished up the course.
After the course I’ll be happy getting into a good National Hunt Yard and I am going to keep learning, improving and hopefully get a chance in race rides during next season!

Dylan was placed with Ken Condon on the 20th of November 2018.

Dylan (pictured left) with fellow trainee John heading out to Maddenstown Gallops