Friday 7 July 2017

Meet the trainees - Adam Farragher

Adam training on Maddenstown Gallops
Hi my name is Adam Farragher. I’m 17 years old and I’m from Skibbereen Co. Cork

I am not from a “horsey” background, but I have been riding horses from a young age. I started off in a local riding school with Ann Fawsitt when I was 8 or 9 and from then on I’ve “caught the bug” so to speak. When I was a bit older I started working with young and green horses which was great experience and I learned a lot. At the start of 2016, I started riding out for trainer Ray Hurley. I learned so much at Ray’s and got a lot of experience riding out all summer and working in general with Racehorses.

I always had a huge interest in racing even from a young age, I even used to leave school early when Cheltenham was on so I could come home and watch the races (To my mothers delight as you can imagine). School was never really a priority to me.  I never had any interest in it even when I was in primary school, if there was something horse related that came first.

In 5th class I heard about RACE and since then I have had my mind set on coming here. During the summer I came to RACE for a week’s trial. The trial week was tough, both mentally and physically and it pushed me to the limit. When I finally got the letter saying I was accepted I was absolutely over the moon and I couldn’t wait to start.

Since coming to RACE I have learned so much and improved as a rider. The lads down the barn were always good to give advice and would always correct you on minor things which really help tidy you up as a rider. Since November I have been on work placement with John Feane and I am loving every minute of it! John is very good to give me advice and is very fair to work for. You can always go to him if you have a question or a problem. The experience I have gotten at Johns has been great as he gives me lots of opportunities to ride work.

 After RACE I hope to sign on to John as an Apprentice and with a bit of luck get a winner or two!

Adam was placed with John Feane on the 21st of November 2016

Tuesday 4 July 2017

Meet the trainees - Keith Donohoe

Keith training on RACE Gallops
My name is Keith Donohoe. I am from Ashbourne County Meath I am 17 years old.  I started riding horses when I was 7 or 8 years old at home on my own ponies. I started to work in Broadmeadows Equestrian Centre as a part of work experience for school.  I started to work there on a Saturday and Sunday and the odd Sunday I would compete in showjumping events.  I was doing that for a year then I stopped and Martin Mooney took me on and showed me the ropes of racing and got me on the right road. I always wanted to be a Jockey and go far in the Racing Industry.  I heard about RACE and asked at home could I go to RACE.  Mam and Dad said I could if I got in.

 I got into RACE after all and so I am here now. The few months I had being riding down the barn with the instructors, we started to ride on the gallops and started jumping the fences in the indoor and out in the field. We got to ride out with ear pieces so the instructors could tell us what to do and what to work on, like your style or if you need to fix anything, so that was a big help for me.
We would start in the barn at 8 o’clock and we would muck out 2 horses each, then we would tack up our first lot ride it out and come back untack and brush them over and go for tea and then go and ride two more lots after tea then we finish down the barn at 12.30 pm and go get lunch and start school at 2 o’clock and finish at 5o’clock so we have a long day!

  I got placed out with Dermot weld in his bottom yard.  I like being out in his yard because all the people in the yard look after you. On the weekends I ride out for Dermot McLaughlin and David Dunne.  I like riding out for them and hope to go full time with one of them after my year in RACE and hopefully the trainer gives me a chance to get my National Hunt Licence so that I can chase my dream.

Keith was place with Dermot Weld on 28th November 2016