Thursday 19 December 2013

Meet the trainees - Donagh O'Connor

My name is Donagh O’ Connor.  I’m 16 years old and from New Ross Co. Wexford.  I had wanted to come to R.A.C.E since I was in first year. It always seemed the place to be if you wanted to become a jockey. Richard Hughes would be my favorite jockey. 
I have experience of riding race horses for about 3 years now.  I have had experience in Jim Bolger’s yard for two summers and also in John Clifford’s, a local trainer. 
We always had Racehorses at home so I think that’s where the ambition to be a jockey came from. I loved going racing and seeing our horses being worked at Johns when I was younger.
My time here at R.A.C.E has been class so far. I’ve learned a lot out on the gallops. All the instructors have guided us on what to do on the horses out there.
The video helps to improve your style and to tell you what you could be doing wrong.  I can’t believe how fast these weeks have gone at R.A.C.E, the time has flown by.  I hope to get a job at one of the yards out on the Curragh before the course ends.
I’d also like to get an apprenticeship at that yard  later on and take it from there. 

Donagh taking the lead on Maddenstown Gallops