Wednesday 22 February 2017

Meet the trainees - Jack Dinneen

Jack on RACE Gallops, February 2017

Craic lads!! My name is Jack and I’m a trainee jockey in R.A.C.E.  I’m 16 years old and from West Cork, Kealkill.   My first love of horses was when I was 9 years old when my dad bought a pony for showing.  When the pony was being sent to be broken the women breaking the pony said send a young lad up with the pony and I’ll teach him how to ride and he can then ride the pony.   I always had the love of horses since I was young and when I got the opportunity to learn how to ride I was only delighted.   When I went up to the yard first it was a bit daunting but once I got to know the lads working there it became good crack.  Even though we had the crack I always took it serious. If I had to start naming all the friends I made up there the list would never end but the 2 lads I definitely had the best crack with was Johnny Callaghan and John Goggin the things we used to do was just incredible and they were my idols since a young age; sadly John passed away, he died in a car crash but a day doesn’t pass by that I don’t think of him. 
When I got older I wanted to go on to do better things like John and Johnny did so I left the place.  I was very thankful for all the experience they gave me but I wanted to go to a race yard.  I got into Robert Tyner’s yard down in Kinsale.  I was buzzing going there the first day, loved race horses and always wanted to ride them.  Robert and Mary were great to me and really thought me how to ride a race horse. Okay I  probably wasn’t the best now, but they still thought me the majority of what  I know about racehorses,  and of course we can’t forget about the lads in the yard,  they were a huge help  giving me tips on how to tidy up. 
Then one summer I got to ride out in Thomand O’ Maher, this was the first time I had to stay away from home. It was hard for the first night but as I got to know the lads in the yard it became easier. I had a great 2 weeks up there, but it was tough and the horses were strong.  I think I nearly got ran away with most of the horses I rode out, but I was young and I was getting better as the weeks went on and Thomand was great too,  he helped me and understood that I was young. 
This year I rode out in Jim Bolger’s. It was a whole new experience for me, Jim being one of the best flat trainers in Ireland, everything had to be perfect up there and yes,  a lot to take in the first week, but after a while I got the hang of things and got the hang of doing everything so perfect. I got loads of riding experience and made a lot of new friends up there too. 
Now I’m here in RACE and so far it’s great!!!  Since I’ve been in RACE, I have been in the rewards group twice. The rewards group is when they pick the people who are working the most hard out of the course and give them extra time on the simulators and in the gym and we get to go to exciting race meetings. It’s great! It makes you feel better about yourself when you get in it.
 I have been placed out in a yard with Christy Roche. He’s a great trainer and I’m very happy with him and he is a great help and all the lads out the yard are good craic too and help me where to improve. I really like it out there!

R.A.C.E is great because you can pursue your dream and still be able to do your education and of course there is only one dream and that’s to be a Jockey hopefully one day I will get there. I will keep my head down and learn as much as possible and hopefully one day I will make it.
Out of all the people I thanked for helping me to get here, probably two people I can’t thank enough and that is my Mom and Dad.  They always helped me along the way and never doubted me and gave me spins (in the car) everywhere, so I really appreciate them and probably don’t thank them enough.

Jack was place with Christy Roche on the 21st of November 2017