Thursday 23 January 2014

Meet the trainees - Nicola Nolan

My name is Nicola Nolan.  I am 17.  I never had any knowledge of the horse racing industry or in anything else to do with horses until about 8 months before I came to race.  I had never sat up on a horse until I was 16.
I got into the horses because of work experience when I was in 5th year. I went to a sports shop and I knew it just wasn’t for me, being indoors all the time, so for the second week of the work experience I decided that I would not be continuing in the shop. I had to pick somewhere else to go on work experience and I didn’t know what I wanted to do so after thinking for a long time my sister came up with an idea for somewhere for me to go on work experience. With her love for horses she said ‘why don’t I go to a racing yard?’.
After thinking of the racing yard idea, I thought I would have no hope with horses because I would never even look at a horse because I was afraid of them, but after a long time thinking of a place I said I would give the horses a go.

I first started in Ciaran cotters small racing yard and Trescon stud, even then when I was in there I was just mucking out, I wasn’t put up on a horse but I was very happy working with the horses and knew after working in the yard and after getting the experience. I knew I wanted a career in the racing industry.

I knew about RACE and thought about applying for it but I had another year to do in school. I talked to my mum about applying for the course and after a lot of convincing I got her to let me apply for it. After applying I got the trial, I gave it a go and hoped for the best, that I would get in. After a long wait after the trials I got my letter to say I got in. I had to do a lot of convincing with my mum to let me leave school but she finally let me go do the course with all of her support behind me.

 Just a few months ago I never thought that I would be where I am now.

Training on the Curragh Plains