Thursday 8 June 2017

Meet the trainees - Lee Shanahan

My name is Lee Shanahan. I am 16 years old.  I am from Tallaght in Co. Dublin. Me and my Da had horses all our lives.  I started out hunting and cross country. It was with horses that I met one of my best mates, together we always sat down and watched horse racing on telly and we would always talk about becoming Jockeys one day.

 It was when I started secondary school that I really wanted to be a jockey.  So when I came to one of the RACE open days, in first year, I knew that this was what I wanted to do.  When I was finished 5th year I came to the trial week here at RACE and worked my hardest and thankfully I was accepted.
When I had to get up at 8am every morning for school, I couldn’t get up out of bed. Even my Ma and Da were saying “you won’t get up at 6am every morning” but because I know I am getting up to muck out and ride out I can spring out of bed like its 2pm, instead of dragging myself out at 8am knowing I was going to sit in a School.

At the Moment I am working in Dermot Weld’s main yard, Rosewell House. There are 30 odd riding out most mornings.  All the lads I work with do help me out and give me tips on my riding, they have tidied me up and made me look a lot neater on a horse then when I first started. Mr Weld does help me out as well telling me where I can improve and how. Love what I am doing now and much rather riding out than going to School.

I hope to become a Champion National Hunt Jockey in the future, well that’s the plan anyway!

Lee was placed in Dermot Welds on 21st November 2016

Lee schooling over fences in the Indoor Arena at RACE