Thursday 12 July 2018

Meet the trainees - Sarah Dunne

My name is Sarah Dunne.  I am 16 years old and I am from Ballygarrett in Wexford.  I have been riding for 10 years.  Before I came to RACE I took part in eventing and hunting.  I was in the Pony Club for 6 years.  I have always enjoyed watching Racing and attending Races with my Dad and Brother at Punchestown, The Curragh and Wexford.  Two summers ago, I helped my Aunt get a point-to-point horse fit for Racing and last year I competed in events on her.  Last November I was also helping her (my Aunt) get two more thoroughbred Mares fit for racing after Christmas.
I heard about RACE two years ago, it was my Aunt who told me about RACE. Her older Brother attended RACE in 1987. She recommended the course to me. I went to the Open Day in April and I thought it sounded great! I came to the trial week and I was delighted to get in.

I started at Johnny Murtagh’s yard in January 2018. I love it out there. I usually get there at 7.30 am and we finish at 12.45 am. We tack up our first lot when we get there and put the horses on the walker. Then we muck out their stables and fill water buckets. We ride out on the sand gallops, the fox cover or up Walsh’s Hill. Our first two lots are the older horses and then after tea break we usually ride 3 of the 2-year-olds.

After RACE I want to take out a license for the flat.

Sarah was placed with Johnny Murtagh on the 22nd of January 2018

Cooling down after riding demonstration for Family Day 

Monday 9 July 2018

Meet the trainees - Mark O'Neill

My name is Mark O’Neill, I am from Kildare and I am 16 years old.  The first time I ever sat on a horse I was 12years old.  I went to a local riding school about 10 minutes away from where I lived called Pitfield Equestrian.  From the second I started riding I loved it!  
I never thought about being a jokey until I was 13 years old.  I went to the Punchestown Festival with my father and from that time onwards I wanted to become a jockey.  Around this time, my friend Tommy Mahon was doing the Trainee Jockey Course in RACE and that’s how I found out about RACE.  He recommended that I should go to RACE after my Junior Cert.  When I first said it to my parents my Father said that it was a good idea and my Mother said that no way am I leaving school! But, when she came to the Open Day here in RACE on the 21st of March she completely changed her mind. 

So, I sent an application in for the Trial Week soon after visiting RACE.  When I got a letter saying that I was accepted to the trial week I was delighted! The trials were hard work but I kept my head down and worked very hard. I enjoyed my time on the trial.  When I got a letter back from RACE saying that I passed and was accepted I was completely shocked, I could not believe that I had got in!
When I first started here on my first week it was a big difference form what I did before coming to RACE, but I really enjoyed it.  I liked getting up early in the morning and going down to the RACE barn.  I really enjoyed riding out in RACE and I had a great time there.   Then after a couple of months down in the RACE barn I was ready to go out on placement. I was sent out to Conor O’Dywer’s yard and I am really enjoying it there.  I like the early morning starts and riding out on the Curragh.  I am learning a lot in the yard and I am getting on great out there.  

When I finish in RACE I am going back to do my Leaving Cert after the summer. I hope to work with horses in the future.

Mark was placed with Conor O’ Dwyer on the 14th of February 2018

Family Day 2017