My name is Matthew Lynch. I am from Coolmore Stud in County Tipperary. My father has been working in Coolmore since I was born so I was born straight into racing really.
Growing up on the Stud was unbelievable, I would be walking my dog down the fields leaving him hunt away and I’d go over and look at the Mares and see if I’d recognise any of them. Last year the dam of Frankel (Kind) was in the field beside my house along with Midday another superstar race mare. So it’s unbelievable in that aspect!
I was always very keen on racing and was inspired by Johnny Murtagh. When I was 12 years old I asked Johnny Cummins a local pre-train point to point yard for a summer job and he let me! Johnny had a couple of nice horses and he thought me the basics and everything I needed to know. After a year of working weekends and any holidays I had working with Johnny he got me set up to ride out as well for Mattie Tynan after his.
Dixie Sheehan is the main man in Tynans and he thought me to ride flat horses like two year olds and fresh older horses. He thought me how to settle the younger horses which was a lesson I never forgot. After a while working for Dixie his confidence obviously grew in me because he gave me my first piece of work to ride for him.
During third year we had our careers guidance teacher ask us what we wanted to be when we were older and I was certain on my answer being a jockey. I had already heard of RACE through other riders that you would meet along the way and I looked it up online to see for myself.
After my junior cert and after seeing RACE at the open day I was looking forward to my week’s trial in July. When I was accepted I was over the moon and straight away started working on my fitness after being warned by our fitness instructor!! After starting the course I met everyone and the first morning down in the yard I realised how stiff the competition was! From the start I was in group A and was thought under the eye of Barry Walsh, he thought me that technique was always above strength and I worked towards building up my technique under his watchful eye.
In the middle of November I was sent to Michael Halfords yard Copper beach Stables and I was absolutely delighted and was very excited to start! I’m in Halfords 4 months now and I feel my riding has come on an awful lot thanks to Mr. Halford letting me ride the yearlings and nice older horses. His team in the yard are extremely helpful and are always dead on with you! It’s great to be part of a yard that does so well on the track but is one of the nicest yards to ride out in. This Summer Id like to go to England to a top yard like Richard Hannons for two or three weeks for another experience which would set me up to get my licence hopefully for a nice yard back home.
My weight is good at the moment and is still ok for the flat but I’m quite tall and see myself going over jumps in the future after a couple of seasons. I have decided to go back to school in September to have a leaving cert under my belt, but I could have my licence still for any weekend rides or Friday night rides, that would be the plan hopefully!!
RACE Gallops September |
Parents Day 2014 |