Friday 27 April 2018

Meet the trainees - Katie Reddington

My name is Katie Reddington.  I’m 16 and from Garristown Co. Dublin. Where I live, everyone has something to do with horses or farming.  I first got interested in horses when I went to follow a hunt and that’s all I wanted to do afterwards. I started lessons when I was 5 years old, but when I learned to ride I got bored of just going around in an arena, so my mothers friend sorted me out with a pony to hunt and every time I fell off I had a big smile on my face and wanted to get up and go faster.
 A couple years later I got my own pony who I still hunt now, with the Ward Union and the Fingal Harriers. I always went to Bellewstown and Fairyhouse racing whenever the big 'Meets' were on and every time I went I knew I wanted to be the one going really fast over the hurdles.

I wanted to come to RACE since I was 12 years old. I first heard about it from a friend, Siobhan Rutledge who lives near me and came through RACE. She told me how amazing it was.
I started RACE at the end of August and on the 4th week I broke my ankle (while at home), I didn’t tell anyone for a week and rode on with it and it got worse. I wasn’t allowed down to the barn at all and that was really hard for me.  So I spent my mornings down in the gym everyday for 5 weeks. I am now back riding and fitter than ever!
 At week 16, Christmas holidays were around the corner and I was so excited to go home for Christmas. We put up the Christmas Tree in RACE, it took us about an hour to put it up.

I was placed in Kevin Prendergast’s yard in January and I love it there, its great craic! All the lads out in the yard are sound as well. I’m riding 2 year old and 3 years old horses and getting on great! 
I get up at 5:30 am every morning and get the RACE Bus at 6:10 am. It’s so cold in the mornings like -2, -1, degrees. When the summer months come I will be up earlier again because the mornings will get brighter. Hope I get on well after the course.

Thanks for reading …. Goodluck!

Katie on RACE Gallops in September2017