Thursday 5 February 2015

Meet the trainees - David Sweeney

Hello! my name is David Sweeney and I am from Kildorrery Co. Cork. I am 19 years old.

From the age of 11 or 12 I got an interest for horses and racing as the local point to points were held only across the road. Straight away I was ‘bitten by the bug’.

The point to points were held on my neighbours stud farm and whenever I had any spare time I would head across to my neighbours yard and help out around the barn. After awhile I took up riding lessons in Killavullen Co. Cork and learned a lot. The lessons became too expensive so I had to give them up but that didn’t stop my love of horses.

Every school holiday I would head down to my neighbours yard to help and I started riding a hunter below there. I found out about the Racing Academy from my boss and about him telling me that he tried to get in but he was too heavy. I tried to persuade my parents to let me go to RACE as soon as I was 16, but no, they told me that I had to stay in school and get my Leaving Cert and to be honest it was the best decision I ever made to date.

I’m very glad I stayed in school as it helped me to mature because I think if I was to have gone to RACE at 16 I don’t think I would have been able for the responsibilities of being out in the ‘big bad’ world at such a young age.

So anyway, I stayed in school and got a good leaving cert and I am now a trainee in RACE. After this course I hope to pursue my interest in point to pointing and take out an Amateur Licence. I have also earned my place in college in Galway so I hope to take that on full time in September 2015. At the moment I am enjoying my time in Co.Kildare as it has helped me open my eyes in the Thoroughbred Industry and also it has helped me at home by applying what I have learned into working with a local trainer.

David on RACE Gallops - Parents Day 2014

Training - Indoor Arena