Friday 25 May 2018

Meet the trainees - Aidan Kelly

My name is Aidan Kelly. I am 16 years old and I am from Monasterevin, Co. Kildare.
I was always interested in horses ever since I was a young age. My Mother and Father had A Pony of their own which had a Foal and was sold by my Uncle.
I have hunted a lot on my own horse throughout the Winter and during the Summer. I would ride my neighbour’s horses (Pat Harrison or Buddy as he is known as).  When I was 14 I start working with Michael Halford, this improved my riding a lot.  I often visited the Curragh Racecourse and would enjoy seeing the horses fly up the home straight. I have wanted to become a jockey ever since Johnny Murtagh visited my local Chapel talking about his life, horses and the ups and downs throughout his life.

I heard about RACE when Mikey Melia joined the course 2 years ago. He told me about the course and ever since then I have wanted to go to RACE. I went to an open day and soon after I received a letter telling me I should attend a Trial Week. I was overwhelmed when after a few weeks, I was notified that I got a place on the course. 
I started down in the barn and really enjoyed my time down there riding out 2 lots and learning more information that I never knew about horses.  My riding improved more and more and eventually I was sent out on work placement to Christie Roche on the 20th of November 2017. 
On my first day I rode 6 lots!  There are about 15 horses in training.   It’s ‘so far so good’ in Christie’s. He let me school around the ‘8’ on the Curragh a handful of times.  I go into Christie’s every Saturday also as it gets me out of the house for a few hours. 
My daily routine in the yard is to get in there before anyone else does and start working.  I am usually in the yard for around 6:40 am as I cycle and don’t have to wait for the bus.  I get into the yard and muck out the 5 horses. I look after them and bed them down. We then go tack up our first lot and give them a walk.  It’s the same every morning. We ride that lot and move on to the next, tacking them up before we go for our tea break.  We then ride out the rest of our lots. When we finish riding out we feed and do whatever else is needed to be done and usually finish for around 12:30 pm.  In February 2018 Christie retired and his son, Padraig took over the training in the yard. Since then we a few more horses to look after, so there are about 20 horses in now. 

I am looking forward to getting my National Hunt Licence when I have finished the course and I hope to have plenty of winners in the future! 

Aidan (nearside) upsides on long straight, Maddenstown (Assessment Week)