Monday 3 April 2017

Meet the trainees - Chelsea Hassel

Turning out horses for film shoot September 2016

My name is Chelsea Hassel and I’m from Cork and I’m 19 years old.  I’ve been riding Horses since I was a baby.  I did everything from pony club to hunting and only got into riding racehorses two years ago when I got a job with a small local trainer.  I was thrown up on everything and just told to “get on with it” so I never really learned properly how to ride racehorses.  The season before I came to RACE I was riding in Liam Burkes when I wasn’t at school (which was a lot) and I learned a lot from being there, which was something that did not happen the previous year.  Although I didn’t ride much in Liam’s, I really started to love the industry and it was there that I heard about RACE.

When I came to RACE I wasn’t really too sure what to expect but I thought it would be physically tough and now that I’ve been here so long and gotten fitter, it’s not bad at all!  Afternoon classes are a pain and so are the fitness tests but I can honestly say I’ve had the best laugh with the most amazing bunch of people and thinking back on how I used to ride, I only laugh now!.  RACE really isn’t what I expected as I didn’t think I’d have as much of a laugh as I have had the past few months. 
I haven’t been placed out on a yard yet but I’ve been told that  I will be out within the next week so I’m excited to find out where I’ll go although I’ll miss the laugh I have with Instructor,  Niall down the barn.
I don’t really know what my plans are for the future because at the beginning I just wanted to learn properly how to ride racehorses, so I could get into yards and not have trainers turning me down because of my age and gender,  but the more I stay here the more my plans change.  I’m hoping to get into a good yard and maybe stay as a senior and hopefully then I’ll get my National Hunt licence.

Chelsea was placed with James Nash on the 13th of February 2017