Monday 9 July 2018

Meet the trainees - Mark O'Neill

My name is Mark O’Neill, I am from Kildare and I am 16 years old.  The first time I ever sat on a horse I was 12years old.  I went to a local riding school about 10 minutes away from where I lived called Pitfield Equestrian.  From the second I started riding I loved it!  
I never thought about being a jokey until I was 13 years old.  I went to the Punchestown Festival with my father and from that time onwards I wanted to become a jockey.  Around this time, my friend Tommy Mahon was doing the Trainee Jockey Course in RACE and that’s how I found out about RACE.  He recommended that I should go to RACE after my Junior Cert.  When I first said it to my parents my Father said that it was a good idea and my Mother said that no way am I leaving school! But, when she came to the Open Day here in RACE on the 21st of March she completely changed her mind. 

So, I sent an application in for the Trial Week soon after visiting RACE.  When I got a letter saying that I was accepted to the trial week I was delighted! The trials were hard work but I kept my head down and worked very hard. I enjoyed my time on the trial.  When I got a letter back from RACE saying that I passed and was accepted I was completely shocked, I could not believe that I had got in!
When I first started here on my first week it was a big difference form what I did before coming to RACE, but I really enjoyed it.  I liked getting up early in the morning and going down to the RACE barn.  I really enjoyed riding out in RACE and I had a great time there.   Then after a couple of months down in the RACE barn I was ready to go out on placement. I was sent out to Conor O’Dywer’s yard and I am really enjoying it there.  I like the early morning starts and riding out on the Curragh.  I am learning a lot in the yard and I am getting on great out there.  

When I finish in RACE I am going back to do my Leaving Cert after the summer. I hope to work with horses in the future.

Mark was placed with Conor O’ Dwyer on the 14th of February 2018

Family Day 2017

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