Friday 7 July 2017

Meet the trainees - Adam Farragher

Adam training on Maddenstown Gallops
Hi my name is Adam Farragher. I’m 17 years old and I’m from Skibbereen Co. Cork

I am not from a “horsey” background, but I have been riding horses from a young age. I started off in a local riding school with Ann Fawsitt when I was 8 or 9 and from then on I’ve “caught the bug” so to speak. When I was a bit older I started working with young and green horses which was great experience and I learned a lot. At the start of 2016, I started riding out for trainer Ray Hurley. I learned so much at Ray’s and got a lot of experience riding out all summer and working in general with Racehorses.

I always had a huge interest in racing even from a young age, I even used to leave school early when Cheltenham was on so I could come home and watch the races (To my mothers delight as you can imagine). School was never really a priority to me.  I never had any interest in it even when I was in primary school, if there was something horse related that came first.

In 5th class I heard about RACE and since then I have had my mind set on coming here. During the summer I came to RACE for a week’s trial. The trial week was tough, both mentally and physically and it pushed me to the limit. When I finally got the letter saying I was accepted I was absolutely over the moon and I couldn’t wait to start.

Since coming to RACE I have learned so much and improved as a rider. The lads down the barn were always good to give advice and would always correct you on minor things which really help tidy you up as a rider. Since November I have been on work placement with John Feane and I am loving every minute of it! John is very good to give me advice and is very fair to work for. You can always go to him if you have a question or a problem. The experience I have gotten at Johns has been great as he gives me lots of opportunities to ride work.

 After RACE I hope to sign on to John as an Apprentice and with a bit of luck get a winner or two!

Adam was placed with John Feane on the 21st of November 2016

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