Wednesday 12 July 2017

Meet the trainees - Adam Tracey

Adam Training on RACE Gallops
Hi!  I’m Adam Tracey and I am currently at RACE. I have been here nearly 41 weeks and only have 1 week left. It has been a really good experience and I have learned a lot.
I first got into horses when I was young.  I went to a riding school when I was about 6 when I went to Donadea Stables. I stayed there for about 5 years and learned a lot. I went up every Tuesday and Saturday. While I was there I did a lot, from hunting to showjumping.
When I was about 8 years old, I decided that I wanted to be a jockey. I used to go racing with my brother and my father. When I wasn’t at a meeting, I always watched it on the telly. I was really interested in the sport and just knew I wanted to be a jockey.

When I was a young lad I knew I wanted to be a jockey but I didn’t know how to become one as no one in my family worked in the Industry. So I started to look up what I had to do and found out about RACE. From then on, I counted down the days until I could come here.
Last year I came on an open day and had a look at RACE to see if it was what I wanted. I got all the forms and filled them out right away. A few months later I came on a trial week to see if I was a suitable candidate. I got on really well and worked the hardest I ever did. I really wasn’t expecting to get accepted but I did. I got a phone call in August and I was over the moon and delighted to get started.

While in RACE, I have had a tough year between falls and time out and some confidence problems. But at the end of the day I am happy I came here. It’s been a really great year and I have made a lot of new friends and have learned a lot about the industry and just life in general.

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