Tuesday 23 August 2016

Meet The Trainees - Aodhan Gallen

My name is Aodhan Gallen, I am 17 years old since December. I grew up in Donegal and now live in Tyrone.  My family have no experience with horses whatsoever, it was just my competitive mind that got me into racing. I just love winning! 

At a young age I played all sorts of sports weather it was Football, Gaelic, Boxing, Swimming you name it I am sure I have done it at one point in my life. As I said my family does not really have a sporting background or a racing background as a matter of fact so to be honest I just think its luck that I eventually tried a sport I really loved rather than doing it as a hobby. 

I was around 10 when I went to my first riding lesson in Tullywhisker Riding School but I had only been there for around 3 months before I moved to Ash Lee Riding School because it was a lot closer to home.  I spent just over a year at Ash Lee Riding School before I moved to local flapping Trainer, Jerry Collins at the age of 15. This was my first time ever sitting on a racehorse and I still don’t know if I was terrified or if I absolutely loved it on my first day there. I now ride in Flapping / Pony Races for Jerry, every weekend when I’m home, he’s a great man and I cannot thank him enough. When I was riding out for Jerry it was then I found out about RACE and he suggested it would be a great place for me because I knew absolutely nothing about racing.

Since I’ve starting in RACE in September, I have learned a huge amount about the Racing Industry and I have improved my riding along the way. From RACE I was sent out to Paul Deegan’s yard, where I have learned a lot especially riding work. I ride work every Wednesday and Friday with previous RACE Graduates who have turned professional such as Conor Hoban and Chris Hayes. They are more than good to me and I know I can ask them any question no matter how silly it may sound. I also cannot thank Paul Deegan enough for the opportunities he has given me within the yard and letting me ride some top class horses. 

Above all there are 2 people I would like to thank and that is my Mum and Dad. They have supported me so much along the way and I know they always will. In the future I know I will out a license and ride winners. How many? Only time will tell.

Aodhan training on the Curragh

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