Wednesday 5 October 2016

Meet The Trainees - Mairead Fortune

I am from Ferns, County Wexford and am 17 years old.  Before RACE, I mainly did showjumping and worked the summer before RACE in John Joseph Murphy’s in Cork to get some experience. 

I started horse riding in about 2005 just doing pony club and lessons.  After a few years I got a pony and went on from there. I always remember from a young age watching racing on TV, mainly the big ones like the Grand National and I grew to idolise Ruby Walsh.  I knew I wanted to be a Jockey from about the age of 14 but never really did anything about it until I was 16 when I applied for the course in RACE and got accepted after a long and hard trial week.  So I was in RACE for the weekdays and started in Paul Nolan’s on the weekends. I learned so much in RACE that I didn’t know before hand and only really got the hang of riding a racehorse here.  I also learned a tonne in Paul Nolan’s. 

After the Christmas holidays I was sent out to my yard, for work placement, which was Alan Fleming’s yard. I was so lucky as it is such an amazing yard. Everyone has thought me loads out there and they are so helpful.  It took me a while to get a hang of the horses out there but I eventually did. I will definitely miss the yard! 

I have decided to go back and do my leaving cert as I think it is the best option as I am going down the National Hunt route. I will hopefully get my Amateur License out this year and keep riding out at the weekends. 
Mairead (left) on the long straight on Maddenstown Gallops

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