Friday 28 June 2019

Meet the Trainees - Niamh O'Gowney

My name is Niamh O’Growney, I’m from Clare and I am 17 years old. I have grown up with ponies from a very young age, but I hadn’t ever worked for a trainer or with thoroughbreds before coming to RACE.
I began pony club lessons when I was 13 but I didn’t keep up the lessons for very long. I always remember watching the big races on TV like the Grand National in Aintree. I began to idolise jockeys like AP McCoy and Ruby Walsh. I had never been to a race meeting before until I came to RACE, but I had grown up going to any point-to-points that were on near me, like Belharbour. I always looked up to the jockeys at the point to points and wanted to be just like them, but I never really did anything about it until my mom told me about RACE and I knew that’s what I wanted to do for transition year.

While at RACE I have visited many studs such as Coolmoore Stud, Kildangan Stud and the Irish National Stud. My fitness levels have increased greatly since enrolling at RACE. RACE gives you many opportunities in the racing world, because when you’re not in the barn working, you’re in the classroom preparing for your assignments. I share a dorm with 5 other girls, Patricia, Roisin, Alicia, Sophia and Sarah.  We all get on well which is good because you can talk to them about anything, if something was bugging you from work in the mornings you can all talk about it. I haven’t decided yet whether I want to stay in RACE or go back to school and get my leaving cert.

I got sent out to Michael Halford’s yard on work placement in mid-February. Mr. Halford is very good to work for and everyone there is friendly. They were very helpful, especially when I was starting out. I started out riding 2 or 3 lots a day and now I ride 5 lots.  I wake up at 6:00AM, have breakfast and then get the RACE bus at 6:45AM. My yard starts at 7:30AM but when it starts to get bright outside, we will be starting at 7:00AM. When school ends in May we will all be doing evening stables as well as morning stables.

Without going to RACE I don’t think I would have been ready for a yard. RACE helped me a lot with fitness and technique. Michael Halfords yard has 4 walkers, a pool, two gallops and over 100 stables. I am in this yard with 3 other students from RACE.  After working in the morning, I get the bus back to RACE at 12:50, get lunch and then head over to school for 2:15PM. School lasts 3 hours and we finish at 5:15PM.  After school we all head over for food and then on Monday and Wednesday nights we have fitness classes in the gym. 

I definitely would recommend RACE to anyone who wants to be a jockey.

Niamh was placed with Michael Halford on the 11th of February 2019.

Maddenstown Gallops

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