Monday 1 July 2019

Meet the Trainees - Sarah Verling

Hi, my name is Sarah Verling, I’m from Fermoy, Co. Cork and I am sixteen years old. I am lucky that I have always been around horses at home as my dad became a trainer after a career as a jockey.

I have ridden ponies since I was young. I have competed in show jumping competitions and I’ve been out hunting for a couple of seasons as well, with my local hunt. I completed one of the Junior Academy days here at RACE and decided to apply for the trainee jockey course. I was delighted to have a place on the trial during the summer and enjoyed the whole experience.

I found riding down in the barn at RACE very helpful, as you learn and gain confidence throughout the time there, you also get great feedback on your riding daily.

 I’m currently out in placement with Johnny Murtagh and I’m loving it so far. I feel a lot more confident since I started and that helps with everything.

I have really enjoyed all the different elements in the course that we do like the fitness classes, simulator lessons, stalls training, schooling and all the different classes at school. I am very grateful to have been given the opportunity to do the course as it has been a great experience.
I’m not sure what the future holds for me within the racing industry but I’m sure my time spent in RACE will stand to me and help me along the way.

Sarah was placed with Johnny Murtagh on the 14th of January 2019
On RACE Gallops

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