Monday 1 July 2019

Meet the Trainees - Jamie Powell

Hi, my name is Jamie Powell. I am 16 years old and I live in Kildare Town. I have a big background in horse racing, I started to ride when I was 4 years old on a pony named Holly in my Grandmother’s yard. I have ridden race horses for 2 years now and have always wanted to be a jockey and follow in my Father’s footsteps and my Granddad, riding the winners of the Irish St. Ledger and the 2002 Guineas. There hasn’t been any pressure put on me to get involved in horses but there is nothing else I would love to do despite the hard work.

It all started when I applied for RACE as I wanted to further my progress as a rider and hoped to become a jockey when I left. I didn’t have much experience going into RACE and had very little confidence.  At the start I struggled with the step up from ponies to retired racehorses. The instructors in race helped me along the way and I can’t thank them enough.  It was a lot of hard work, but I got there in the end and after nearly 5 months of being in RACE I got sent out to Mr. Patrick Prendergast. I learnt loads there and most importantly my confidence grew. At the start of 2019 Mr. Prendergast and Mr. Oxx joined forces and that’s when I fully got going with my riding and my communication skills with trainers and other staff. I began to improve every day and I was in a very happy place. Both trainers have been very good to me and have helped me improve as a rider and as a person, I can’t thank them enough.

Growing up I idolised Chris Hayes, Johnny Murtagh and Michael Kinane. I try to take little traits from each of them over the years, but I was told never to copy someone else’s style, just be myself.  I feel I’m learning every day and my confidence is growing. I’m hoping that I will be signed on as an apprentice at the end of the year and kick-start my career in the racing industry.

RACE has been a massive help to me on more levels than just riding. We learn how to communicate properly with owners, trainers and other people like stewards etc. We get talks from jockeys some that came through RACE, others that have interesting stories, but I always try to take one thing from each interaction with them and I’m very grateful for all the support and advice I have been given here in RACE.

One day I hope to be a jockey, but I know it won’t just come to me over night, I have many years of early mornings and hard work ahead but I’m looking forward to it all.

Jamie was placed with Patrick Prendergast on the 14th of January 2019.

Training on the Curragh

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