Friday 8 June 2018

Meet the Trainees - Adam Collier Williams

Hello! My name is Adam Williams and I’m from Taghmon in Wexford.  I was always interested in horses ever since I was young and we always kept a few horses at home. When I was younger I went to the Wexford Races and I fell in love with racing, that is when I first decided I wanted to become a jockey. Having gone to one race meeting, I started to go every weekend. I even went over to Aintree in England.
I found out about RACE from talking to a past pupil of RACE who lived near me.  I was really interested in what he had to say about RACE and so I decided that I would go home and look RACE up. I had a quick look at their Facebook page and read about it on Google. The minute I finished looking at the pages I ran into my parents and I told them that I really wanted to apply for the course. So, I got all the forms and I sent them off. I went to an Open Day and I did the trial. A few months later I got a letter saying “Congratulations! You have been accepted into RACE”.  I was over the noon!
At the time of writing this piece for the Trainee Blog, we are four months into the course and it’s brilliant! It’s a really good experience and there are nice people up here. I have meet a lot of new friends and we are like one big family.
I was sent out to Patrick Prendergast in January and I’ve learned a lot so far and I am getting lots of experience, like how to hold stronger horses. Patrick is very nice and he helps me a lot and I have learned a lot. I work with Patrick every week. When I go home I work for local trainer, Kieran Roche. I have really learned a lot with Kieran also and he would bring me off schooling most weekends and we would also go to the beach.
In February I fell of a horse and had a tear in the ligaments in my Ankle.  I was out for 4 weeks and I really missed riding out and I couldn’t wait to get back up and back out to work. I looked forward to getting back on top of my fitness. Hopefully in June I will take out a License and hopefully have a successful career in racing!
Adam was placed with Patrick Prendergast on the 22nd of January 2018

Training on RACE Gallops in the Snow!

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