Wednesday 20 June 2018

Meet the trainees - Sean Byrne

H!  My name is Sean Byrne. I am 16 years old and from Maddenstown Co. Kildare. I have been riding horses for about 6 years. I started Showjumping 5 years ago and I am hunting about 3 years also. I have been involved with Racehorses for 2 years and I currently work for Jessica Harrington. I have wanted to be a jockey from a young age. I always loved watching horseracing on the TV.

A typical morning at RACE for me is waking up at 7.30am and go for breakfast. I go down to the barn for 8 am.  We muck out 2 horses and then we tack up our first lot, we head out to ride them on RACE gallops and then we walk them off and wash their legs. Then we bring them back to their stable and groom them. At 10 am we go up for tea and we finish that at 10.30 am. We then tack up our 2nd lot. For our 2nd lot we could be schooling or going up Maddenstown gallops. After that we would skip out, hay, sweep the barn and then feed the horses.

A typical morning on my work placement with John Oxx would be getting up at 5.35 am and heading for breakfast. I have to be on the RACE bus for about 6 am and when I get into work I take my horse off the walker and tack it up and ride out. We usually go for tea break at 9:30 and then at 10 am we tack up our 3rd lot and ride our last 3 lots.  I usually finish up at 1 pm.

Sean was placed with John Oxx on 20th November 2017

Training on the Curragh

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