Wednesday 25 February 2015

Meet the trainees - Adrian Fitzgerald

My name is Adrian Fitzgerald I am 16 years old I am originally from Charleville Co. Cork but I would nearly consider myself to be from Caragaline as I spent most of the last 2 and a half years there in Ivor Kingston’s yard.  Ivor started me off in the best way I could have hoped for. He looked after me and shaped me into the rider I am today and if it wasn't for him and Denis Payten I would never be in RACE.
Denis gave me a lot of good rides in the flaps which gave me valuable experience. The two of them have been very good to me.

It all started for me when I was 6 years old, I wanted to be a Jockey like my Uncle Mick Fitz and I started going to Crocora Equestrian Centre for lessons.  I first heard about RACE from my Mother, so when I researched the place I thought it looked very good to improve my riding and when I finished my Junior Cert I applied and headed up to the Curragh. I was used to being away from home from staying down with Ivor over my school holidays and weekends.

I have many great and mad memories from Ivor's yard and I miss not being able to be there as much now that I am in RACE but I try to go out there as much as I can. Ivors yard is like no other, for a start he has a dogs that can watch television and ride ponies and donkeys! Where else would you see it!
Every time I go down there I look forward to riding the horses cause at this stage they’re like family. I especially love Dr Massini who is yet to see the race track, we call him Vinnie cause he is related to the infamous Viaduct who won a number of races in England and Ireland. I also love riding Hi Ridge Wood Ben. A friend of my late step father was the man who got me the job at Ivor’s and started me on this road which has been the best time of my life, and there are many more good times to come.

I have been sent out to Paul Deegans from RACE where I am really enjoying myself and I’m finding the experience really great!

My favourite Jockeys are Davey Russel, Tom Queally and Gavin Sheehan.

Heading out to Maddenstown

Parents Day 2014


  1. Best of luck on your 3 mounts in tomorrows point to point meeting.ivory keeps us posted on your progress the whole time. No doubt you'll do well. All the best. Clive from ladbrokes in carrigaline.

  2. Best of luck on your 3 mounts in tomorrows point to point meeting.ivory keeps us posted on your progress the whole time. No doubt you'll do well. All the best. Clive from ladbrokes in carrigaline.
