Friday 9 January 2015

Ryan Bates - The Morning Routine

I get up at 7 am every morning to get my breakfast. I go down to my room and get my riding gear on and go to the yard. 
We stand in a straight line and the Instructors tell us what we're doing today and we go and get are tools and we muck out the same 2 horses every morning. When we're done mucking out we sweep the yard and clean up the yard. 
 Then we get are tack and go get a horse to ride out and when you’re ready to pull out you get a leg up and go into the indoor arena. When the horses are warmed up we go outside to the gallops, get into groups and we canter around the gallops up to 4 or 5 times. 
Then we would wash their legs when we're done and give them a good rub over as they get sweaty going around the gallop. We then clean up and feed up and get the place tidy and make sure everything is done and put away, ready for the morning.

Ryan (near side)on the Curragh Plains

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