Friday 16 January 2015

Meet the trainees - Emma Twomey

My name is Emma Twomey. I’m 18 years old and come from Co. Waterford. I didn’t come from a horsey background as such but my mother sent me to a few pony lessons when I was younger. It was only when we moved to a house with 2 fields and 2 stables that my parents decided to give me and my older sister a pony, and it was from there that we started hunting and developed an interest in horses. I love going hunting, its great craic! Although, it did give me a few bad habits. 

I only developed an interest in Horse Racing when I was brought to a point-to-point meeting that our hunt was organising and it grew from there. My parents were adamant that I did my leaving cert but during that time I got a job riding out weekends for a local point-to-point trainer, Diarmuid Ryan. I love it there (in Diarmuid’s yard) and learn a lot a lot from him because he takes the time to help me  and teaches me not just about racing but everything about horses in general.

I decided about 4 years ago that I wanted to go through RACE, but I was made stay in school until I had the leaving cert done and being honest I’m glad my parents did. So I started in RACE on the 1st of September 2014 after having done a week trial. I have learned so much in the space of 4 months on my seat, style and technique. The instructors in the yard, Barry, Niall, Paul K and Paul G are a huge help. They tell me what I need to improve on. My strength and fitness has improved so much as well but there’s still a long way to go. The daily routine here at RACE was tough to keep up with at the start but once my fitness and strength improved it go easier.

I start working for Conor O’ Dwyer this week and I’m really looking forward to it. It’s a great yard and I’ve been told by everyone I ask that Conor is a fair man that is great to work for. So hopefully I will get on well there and I am looking forward to learning as much as I can.
(Emma has been working at Conor’s yard since Monday 12/01/2014)

Emma training on RACE Gallops

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