Thursday 26 December 2013

Meet the trainees - Dylan Shaw

My name is Dylan Shaw.  I am 16 years old.  I’m from Donaghmede, in north Dublin.  I have had an interest in horses since I was about 6 and hadn’t got much experience.  I got my first horse when I was about 11 and ever since then have had horses.  I have only had experience riding bare back and never rode with a saddle until I came to RACE.
 I heard about race about 3 years ago and ever since I heard about it I have wanted to go.  When I got picked I was over the moon and was really excited to go.  I’ve only been here 15 weeks and have learned so much.  I’m looking forward to going out to yards for experience.
My favourite rider would be Johnny Murtagh and I would love to be up there like him in the future. 
I am really enjoying my time at RACE, it is a great experience and I look forward to the great opportunities that await me in the near future.

Dylan heads out for training on the Curragh

Thursday 19 December 2013

Meet the trainees - Donagh O'Connor

My name is Donagh O’ Connor.  I’m 16 years old and from New Ross Co. Wexford.  I had wanted to come to R.A.C.E since I was in first year. It always seemed the place to be if you wanted to become a jockey. Richard Hughes would be my favorite jockey. 
I have experience of riding race horses for about 3 years now.  I have had experience in Jim Bolger’s yard for two summers and also in John Clifford’s, a local trainer. 
We always had Racehorses at home so I think that’s where the ambition to be a jockey came from. I loved going racing and seeing our horses being worked at Johns when I was younger.
My time here at R.A.C.E has been class so far. I’ve learned a lot out on the gallops. All the instructors have guided us on what to do on the horses out there.
The video helps to improve your style and to tell you what you could be doing wrong.  I can’t believe how fast these weeks have gone at R.A.C.E, the time has flown by.  I hope to get a job at one of the yards out on the Curragh before the course ends.
I’d also like to get an apprenticeship at that yard  later on and take it from there. 

Donagh taking the lead on Maddenstown Gallops

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Meet the trainees - Barry Reynolds

My name is Barry Reynolds.  I am 18 years of age, and I am from Co. Westmeath.  I started riding horses when I was about 10.  I began to ride out in a local point to point yard at the age of 14 and really began to improve in my riding.  I knew from then on that I wanted to be a National Hunt jockey.

Riding out here everyday you get to find out what you are doing wrong and right, and are constantly learning new things.  The afternoon classes aren’t too bad.

At the moment (of writing this piece) we are 12 weeks into the course, and we are doing a lot of schooling and riding out on Maddenstown gallops.  I really enjoy the schooling over the fences inside, especially when Niall lets me ride Cane Brake!  Overall it’s a great course and I am really enjoying it.